Avoiding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Automobiles

Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur whenever a carbon monoxide source is present in an enclosed space such as a home, garage, or car. Because carbon monoxide cannot be smelled or seen, those who are exposed to it may not be able to detect or feel its effects until it is too late. Carbon monoxide poisoning can result in severe brain damage and death.

You may have heard about recent deaths in Alberta caused by carbon monoxide poisoning in a vehicle on the news. Because your car emits a lot of carbon monoxide, you should always take precautions to reduce your risk of exposure. Making sure your vehicle and its exhaust system are in good working order may reduce (or even eliminate) your risk of carbon monoxide exposure.

To keep you and your family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning in cars, follow these guidelines: 

  • Examine the Exhaust System of the Vehicle

Any leaks in your exhaust system can result in carbon monoxide poisoning. Because these leaks do not always make a sound, you may be unaware that something is wrong. When you come in for a vehicle inspection or service, we perform a thorough examination of your vehicle’s exhaust system. If your vehicle requires repairs, you can rely on the experienced and certified technicians at HEART Auto Care to handle them.

  • Obtain a Vehicle Tune-Up

Older vehicles can store more carbon monoxide than newer vehicles, so it’s critical to keep them in good condition. New vehicles typically have an emissions system that keeps carbon monoxide levels to a minimum. Carbon monoxide in the car engine can increase the risk of hazard if this system isn’t working properly. Having your car serviced on a regular basis allows you to detect and repair problems before they become dangerous. 

  • Replace Your Worn-Out Vehicle

If you have open holes in your vehicle’s undercarriage and you can see the road from inside, those holes may allow exhaust fumes to enter. This is especially true and dangerous if, in addition to the holes, you have a leaky exhaust. Don’t put your life in jeopardy. Make an effort to replace your vehicle as soon as possible. In the car, you may be exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Take Caution When Driving Your Car

Never drive your car in an enclosed space, such as a garage. Even if you leave the garage doors open, the carbon monoxide levels inside the garage may be dangerous, exposing you to it. Even if you keep your windows rolled up and drive in a closed area, you are still at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in the car.

HEART Auto Care and Maintenance

The good news is that if the exhaust system is functioning properly, carbon monoxide will exit the exhaust pipe and quickly broken down to safe levels. The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in the car is zero if the exhaust system is regularly checked, serviced and repaired if necessary.