Failing Battery: How to Know and What to Do

Failing battery would be the last thing we like to happen during road trips. And it is nothing like a gem if we are well aware of the signs if our batteries are already bound for maintenance to avoid extreme incidents while driving, or the frustration of not being able to start the vehicle, most especially when you are in a hurry.
Signs Your Battery Needs To Be Checked:
Noticeable slow engine crank
This may be the most common sign of battery failure. A car battery provides the power needed to keep electrical components running, and starting a car requires a lot of energy, all of which is generated solely by the battery. And when the car starts, the alternator keeps the car’s battery running by replacing the electricity used to start the engine and power the vehicle’s electronic accessories. And if the battery is already worn out, you may notice that there would be slower engine cranks than normal. That sign should not be ignored. You need to have your battery inspected by experts as it may need replacement.
Problems with electrical components
A car battery must not only power the engine, but also produce enough juice to power all the various electronic components in the vehicle. Most cars these days have many electronic accessories such as power windows, power seats, radios, wipers, dashboard lights and headlights. All of this requires electricity supplied by your car’s battery.
Dashboard Battery Warning Light
Most, but not all, of the cars have dashboard warning indicators. This will provide a helpful display to let you know that there is an internal problem with the battery, by showing an illuminating battery icon. And if the indicator light turns on, it is very much advisable to have a professional examine your vehicle.
Swollen Battery Box
Since a car battery is technically a chemical inside a box, unusual swelling or bulging of the battery box means there is something wrong with the chemical inside it. And chemical reactions may cause something unwanted. This may happen due to excessive exposure to heat or cold.
An average battery life spans from four to five years. This average service life depends on the extreme temperature load, the number of deep discharges, and whether or not it goes through a full charge cycle. Batteries are said to have a 5-year lifespan, but we recommend having it tested by an expert when it reaches its 4th year to see the status of the remaining life of your battery, so it is really important to know the manufacturing date of it as reference.
Unnatural Smell

Chemical reactions on batteries may cause a weird smell which is a clear indication that there is something wrong with the battery. If the battery freezes, overcharges, or is internally short-circuited, gas can leak from the housing, venting a foul smell similar to a rotten egg.

In case you notice this kind of smell under your vehicle’s hood, it is advisable that you have it inspected immediately for a possible battery replacement. Ignoring this one can cause a further problem on the whole motor system of the vehicle, as sulfuric acid can corrode other engine parts and cause corrosion, and you definitely want to avoid it.

Have your battery checked through HEART Certified Auto Care that provides you a driving experience great without having to worry about running out of battery.

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