Extending the Time Between Car’s Oil Changes: Is It Possible?

Your car’s oil change is an important part of its preventive maintenance, but it can be tempting to try and extend the time between changes. Can you really get away with going a little longer than the manufacturer recommends? Let’s take a look at the facts.

One of the main reasons to follow the recommended oil change schedule for your car is that it helps to ensure that you are using high-quality, fresh oil. Oil can degrade over time and lose its ability to lubricate your engine properly, which can lead to increased wear and damage. Additionally, the additives in modern synthetic oils can break down over time, which can affect the performance of your engine.

Another factor to consider is that over time, dirt and debris can build up in your engine oil, reducing its ability to properly lubricate your engine components. This buildup can also increase the wear on your engine over time. While changing your oil more often may be inconvenient or cost a little more in the short term, it can help to protect your car and save you money over the long run by reducing the need for more expensive repairs.

If you are concerned about the cost or inconvenience of following the recommended oil change schedule for your vehicle, there may be some steps you can take to reduce these concerns. For example, many modern cars are now equipped with oil change monitoring systems that will automatically alert you when it is time to change your oil. Additionally, there are a number of auto service shops that offer discounts or promotions on oil changes, which can help to reduce the overall cost.

So, what should you do? Follow the manufacturer’s recommended schedule for changing your car’s oil. By doing so, you can be sure that your car is getting the best protection and performance possible. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, feel free to book an appointment with HEART Auto Care. We would be happy to help!